Bergen, Norway 11 – 13 June, 2019

Abstracts and Papers for UTC 2018

Have you considered writing a paper to enhance the impact of your presentation?

Our aim is to ensure the continued high quality of the technical program at UTC, and we will therefore strongly encourage all contributors to write a technical paper to support their presentations. The program committee will focus on abstracts where there is an accompanying technical paper.
This measure has been taken to ensure an even higher quality of the technical presentations, increase value creation for those companies/ institutions/ individuals presenting and contribute to an increased dissemination of knowledge in the field of underwater technology.

Here are some pointers for getting an abstract accepted at UTC

The program committee reserves the right to not include abstracts accepted by other subsea conferences. Submit your abstract in accordance with the topics of interest, giving the program committee a context for evaluating your contribution. Abstracts are chosen based on their strength, content matter and market/trend relevance – i.e choose topic carefully when submitting your abstract. A listing in the most appropriate category will give you a greater chance to be selected.
Abstracts and presentations with a commercial focus will not be accepted. Delegates at previous UTCs responds negatively to sales presentations/ company profiling. Do not underestimate your audience, focus on the technology. Get approvals from your management before you submit an abstract.


Student  abstracts for UTC


We are also interested in student projects at Master or PhD level (including 2018 graduates) in the field of subsea technology. Please note that students have until April 9th to submit their abstracts.